
AutoResize Property


set the autoResize of <movie | bitmap>
to <boolean> Applies to bitmaps, movies


The autoResize property determines whether Oracle Media Objects resizes the movie or bitmap object to the preferred viewing size of the movie file image or graphic file, respectively. When autoResize is set to true, the movie or bitmap object is automatically resized (the movie object resizes itself when the prepare command is issued). When autoResize is set to false, the image of the movie file or graphic is rescaled to fit the dimensions of the movie object. If the scaleToFit property of a bitmap is set to true, the graphic is rescaled to fit the dimensions of the bitmap. The default value of autoResize for movies and bitmaps is true.


For movies, if the movie file is not viewed at its preferred size, some distortion may occur and playback may not be as smooth.
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.